Current T-10 Class Association Officers

To contact any of the class officers, please use the contact form.

Organization Chart


Nick Ward, Proper Villain
Port Huron, MI

Past President

John Schellenbach, Mutiny
Chicago, IL

Vice President

Brian Barker, On the Hard
Uniontown, OH


Michael Platzke, Amateur II
Chicago, IL


David Tritsch, Triten 
Columbus, OH

Lake Erie FLeet Captain

Heidi Backus, Nuts
Vermilion, OH

Lake St. Clair Fleet Captain

Sean Murphy, Double Jeopardy
Detroit, MI

Lake Michigan Fleet Captain

Craig Roehl, Meat
Chicago, IL

Supporting Suppliers/Sailmakers Program

Ted Mahoney, Lazy Lass
Cleveland, OH

Class Measurement Rules Committee

Past President (John Schellenbach) - Chair
Vice President (Brian Barker)
Lake Erie Regional Measurer (Steve Gregory, Coyote)
Lake Michigan Regional Measurer (Michael Better, Hot Sauce)
Lake St. Clair Regional Measurer (Bruce Richardson, No Rebase)